• Exchange Online

    free/busy not working between EOL and on premise Exchange

    We had an issue after adding a new domain to our tenant using the Hybrid Configuration Wizard which removed the URI and URL strings in the availability settings in Exchange Online. That was resolved but 2 days later free/busy from Exchange Online to on premise Exchange users broke again. We had to add a new SAN in the certificate for Exchange and suspect that the Federation Metadata did not properly update. One of my colleagues found this article which pointed us to the problem and advised us how to resolve the issue. In short running:   Test-FederationTrust -UserIdentity yourcredentials showed the issue. To resolve my colleague ran:   Get-FederationTrust |…

  • Linux,  Manjaro

    Installing Manjaro

    I started using Manjaro on my laptop and found that installing applications and using it differs quite a bit from the Ubuntu distributions that I am used to. I started this mini series to show how to use it, install the OS, install applications and show off some features I found that works great. The below video shows the installation and some features of Manjaro using the Gnome desktop environment.

  • Uncategorized

    Start of a better year?

    As per my other blog, 2020 is likely a year that most if us wants to forget. Here’s to a better and prosperous 2021 to everyone in the world. This year I’m focusing a lot more on Linux, programming and Information Security as a whole. My Programming and Information Security articles and journey can be found at the link above. Here I will continue blogging about more techie and operations stuff. Keep learning and have a good year everyone.