• Exchange 2003,  Microsoft Exchange

    Messages awaiting directory lookup – Queue Build up on Exchange

    We had an Exchange 2003 server that had a queue build up. The messages were building up in the “Messages awaiting directory lookup” queue. After investigation we found that the server had old DNS entries which were removed and new entries were added. The queue cleared almost immediately. If you see build up in the Messages awaiting directory lookup queue then be sure to check DNS is working as expected.

  • Lync/Skype for Business

    Lync client drops voice calls

    We had an interesting issue a while back where a user was able to use the Lync (Skype for Business) client for IM, desktop sharing etc. The problem was the user could not make/receive any peer to peer or Enterprise Voice calls. The call would try and connect and then cause the Lync/Skype for Business client to hang. A malware scan was run after some troubleshooting and malware was found. The user was able to make and receive calls after we got rid of the malware