• Virtual Box,  Windows,  Windows 8

    Error Code: 0x000000C4 when trying to install Windows 8 or 8.1 in Virtual Box

    I tried installing Windows 8.1 Preview in Virtual Box and received the below error: (If memory serves me correctly this was the same for Windows 8) Run the following command and then try installing Windows 8.1 Preview again. “c:Program FilesOracleVirtualBoxVBoxManage.exe” setextradata “VM Name” VBoxInternal/CPUM/CMPXCHG16B 1 This solved the issue for me. Found the information to the solution at this article here.  

  • Exchange 2007,  Exchange 2010,  Exchange 2013,  Microsoft Exchange

    Meeting requests sent to a room mailbox, replaces the Subject, with the Senders name

    We received a call today where a meeting request sent to a Room mailbox shows the meeting organiser’s name in the subject line. This can be rectified by running the following: Exchange 2010/2013: Set-CalendarProcessing -identity “meeting room name” -DeleteComments $true -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteAttachments $true -DeleteSubject $true Exchange 2007: set-mailboxcalendarsettings -identity “meeting room name” -deletesubject $false -addorganizertosubject $false Hope this makes your life a bit easier.

  • Linux,  Ubuntu

    How to install the GUI for Ubuntu Server

    I’m busy installing a server for my dad’s home and need a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for him to manage the server. I decided to install Kubuntu on my Ubuntu Server that I’m testing in virtual box. We are planning on getting him a Raspberry Pi running RaspBMC and the choices are OpenMediaVault or Ubuntu server to be the media server hosting his media to be streamed from. Still deciding which way to go but here is a short tutorial on how to get the GUI installed on an Ubuntu Server after you have finished installing the Ubuntu Server Operating System. 1. After the server has booted you need to…