• Exchange 2003

    How to export the relay list from an Exchange 2003 server

    It’s always a good idea to export your relay list regularly in case of server crash or failures. Yes there’s other ways to restore this but if you have a txt document then it’s a lot quicker to import the list to a rebuilt or new server. In order to do this download IPsec.vbs from here. After you have downloaded the package unzip it and then register the exipsec.dll by opening the command prompt and using the syntax “regsvr32 pathtoexipsecurityexipsec.dll” and pressing enter. After registering the dll open the command prompt again and change to the ExIpSecurity folder. Then type “cscript ipsec.vbs -s (servername) -i (instance id like 1 or 2 or 3)…

  • SQL Server,  SQL Server 2005

    How to verify your SQL Server Version

    I had a query today from auditors that needed a SQL server’s version details and for some reason using help=>about does not show if it’s the Standard or Enterprise version. To get this info open your SQL Management Studio, click on new query, in the query field type “select @@version” without the quotation marks, then click execute. This will show you the SQL version details as per below screen shot.