Exchange 2013
Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is ‘2000000’
You receive the below error when moving a mailbox to another database in Exchange 2013: The default limit for the maxItemsInObjectGraph is set to 20000000. The work around that resolved this for me is as per below: Open Notepad and browse to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin (or where you installed Exchange). Look for the config file (MsExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config) and open it. Hit ctrl + f and search for graph. You will see the below entries. Change the “2” to “3” in order to increase the limit. Restart the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service on the server you are migrating the mailbox to. Resume the move-request. Change the above back to the previous…
Removing mail with the same subject from the Exchange Queues
Sometimes you need to remove thousands of e-mails in your Hub Transport server queues. We see this every now and then with mail storms from an application that went off the rails or maybe with 2 mailboxes sending each other auto replies causing a mail loop. There’s a few ways to stop the mail storm before removing the mail items in your Exchange queues but that is not the scope for this article. If you are ever in the situation of thousands of mails queued on all your Hub Transport servers then the below cmdlet should help you to quickly remove those mails from the queue. (Obviously do this with…
Meeting requests sent to a room mailbox, replaces the Subject, with the Senders name
We received a call today where a meeting request sent to a Room mailbox shows the meeting organiser’s name in the subject line. This can be rectified by running the following: Exchange 2010/2013: Set-CalendarProcessing -identity “meeting room name” -DeleteComments $true -AddOrganizerToSubject $true -DeleteAttachments $true -DeleteSubject $true Exchange 2007: set-mailboxcalendarsettings -identity “meeting room name” -deletesubject $false -addorganizertosubject $false Hope this makes your life a bit easier.